We have been so busy these days with all the fall events. I have finally gotten a Sunday afternoon to sit and post some new pictures and fill everyone in on how "The Boys" are doing. We are getting used to going to work everyday and finding somewhat of a routine. We have our four month check up tomorrow so I guess we will find out how much Wesley and Cooper have grown. It is hard to believe that it has already been 4 months.
The reflux has been a challenge with projectile vomiting. But we have realized feeding the boys sitting up and making sure they are up for 30 minutes prior makes a huge difference. Both are taking Prevacid and it seems to help. But we have our accidents every once in awhile. My sister and I were at the mall a couple of weeks ago and while shopping we stopped to feed the boys. They ate and all was well so we started off to another store. Cooper started to fuss a little so I picked him up and started walking around. Should have known not to move him but I wasn't thinking. Before I know it I have puke in my hair all over my clothes and all over Cooper. I doubt the poor guy had anything left in his stomach it was all over us. That was quite a experience, even after I washed the throw up out of my hair I kept smelling it, who knows. We have all realized it's a good idea to have a back up outfit in the car for us just incase. Ready for the boys to grow out of the reflux.
Wesley and Cooper are little social butterflies. They have been on quite a few outings. We have been to the Fair, to 2 weddings, a funeral, a fall festival and Trunk or Treat, a pumpkin patch, church, and of obviously shopping. They really do good out and about. But I do not go out without help yet. I haven't gotten that brave. I do not know what we would do with 4. Thank god for my sister because she has graciously given up even her Mondays off to help me take the boys to the doctor and run errands when we need to.
Cooper at the fair |
Wesley at the fair |
The boys love to lay and kick around. One night they kicked so much that they wore their selves out and slept for a whole 8 hours. I woke up at 4, 5 and 6am thinking surely they will be up in another hour and they made it from 11pm to 7am. That was awesome but hasn't been repeated since. They are both smiley and happy for the most part. We are working on head control and grabbing for toys now. They are coming right along learning and growing. I worry about their development because they were so early. Their adjusted age is only 1 month and a few days. But they seem to be moving on schedule.
This is our pumpkin patch picture made with our halloween art we made with grandma. Its our footprints made to look like ghosts.